Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Horned A Plenty

So recently I've been trying to figure out how to reinvent the barette. As a kid I always had a ton of cheap pretty plastic barettes. I've looked at a bunch of the barettes out there and I've been trying to figure out how to grow them up.  What can I do to change those little girl barettes into something bright and fun.

Well, thanks to a trip to a local discount store I may have found my process. 

I found some groovy sets of Halloween horn barettes. Coming in standard black and what I suppose a color passing for red. I don't know folks, it was red and kinda splotchy. So maybe maroonish? 

Moving on...

 I sanded the living heck out of them and pulled out my detail brushes and went to town. I turned some good,  albeit cheap looking barettes into some swanky looking glossy horns.  There's at least seventeen coats of gloss on these. 

I'm going to begin selling them today as a part of The Devil In Miss Belle collection. A spookier kookier collection of hair stuffs and neck stuffs. 

Perfect for the upcoming Halloween season or just to wear around. I personally plan to make a pair and wear them on the Blvd. this afternoon. 

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