Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hollywood in Pictures

So occasionally while traipsing around Hollywood I take a bunch of pictures. Why? Well I live in a place that I swear is on absinthe 90% of the time. Like to the right we have a viral marketing campaign that confused the hell out of me when I walked out of my door. There was just this creepy yet cute little cardboard guy sitting here waiting for the bus. I'm glad I took a picture because he was gone by the time I came back. 

I also take pictures because some of the old ruins of Hollywood are just so damn beautiful. I mean, how could I not?  Below is a great jazz mural on the wall of the capitol records building. How can you not love it? Nat King Cole is in the middle of the mural, and that may be Ella Fitzgerald behind him. Sweeet huh? Like they're blessing the building with cool. 

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