Monday, October 20, 2008

I Come Bringing Sales! Also Comissions!

Okay Okay. I know you miss me. I miss you too. I have honestly been selling up a storm and in order to keep my orders running smooth I had to put them up and run! It is my goal to make sixty new horns by Halloween so you can have them in your hot little hands. Expect an update of massive proportion today. In the meantime have a SALE! 

1. ALL ViolentBelle Millinery is 15% off. This is the perfect chance for you to buy that mini hat you've been craving. 

2. ALL Takara and AYA Hairclips are also 15% off. 

Also Halloween Commissions close today, and that includes horns. So if you want a custom anything, today is the LAST day. Unless you're in Southern California in which case FRIDAY is your last day.

I'll see you in a few hours with more stuff!

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