Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween At the Belle

It's no secret that I LOVE to dress up. Even if I wear a simple jeans and Tee combination, I generally still like to do something funky with my hair or wear an odd accessory. I've worn a ton of costume in my life, and I'm here to show you my absolute favorites from the past five years(that I can find.  a picture of).

First up is my first college creation. I went as a broken doll, and
 you could pull the string in my back and  I'd say some pretty horrible stuff. The outfit itself is a restitched and purposed vintage 1950's taffeta party dress, and I wore another 1950's slip underneath. It was cold so I carried a sweet knitted matching sweater! I sewed all the bows and made all the accessories myself way before I had a machine to call my own. 

Another outfit I was proud of was my Queer Bash Costume from the Spring of '05. QB is a party thrown by my alma mater's QSU that basically celebrated Coming Out Days. It was the best party on campus every semester. I'm proud to say that from that year on I won every costume contest for QB while I was there. Score!

That year I
 upcycled again. The theme was Seven Sins and I of course went as pride.  I created a bustle and boot tops of spray painted gold and green tulle. There 
were dozens of gold painted chopsticks lining my bun, and pearls everywhere. But the coolest part of this outfit? I spirit gummed peacock feather to my temples so they look like lashes. Oh yeah. 

My final QB costume was an Artemis(Can you tell how much I love her) costume I'm very proud of, but that I'll  show you some time in November when I start to document my first foray into Con masquerades.

 Moving out of college and into Hollywood Goth scene where every weekend is Halloween comes me as Zoe Wasburne from Firefly.  This wasn't my best effort, but I had two weeks and a thrift store in order to complete this one. I don't think it was *that* bad. 

One of my last big costumes that was my favorite was a Harajuku girl done for an anime night at Malediction, a fairly popular Goth club here. I had two huge falls in my hair, and as many vintage fluorescent accessories as I could manage. The dress itself was was an upcycled 70's black gown that was hacked short and tied with a florescent 70's obi sash! It pales in comparison to the actual women of that hallowed district, but hey, I tried.

So dive into your closets ma Belles! I'm sure there's a costume waiting somewhere!

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